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Editors are the main workspace in expecco. They are used to create/modify an elementary action's code, to edit a compound action's activity diagram or to modify test parameters.

Depending on the kind of item being selected in the left project tree, different editors are shown on the right side:

Attachment Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to edit attachment items (file- and url attachments).

Block Skill Editor[Bearbeiten]

This subeditor (editor tab) defines the skills required by an action block. This is used of the resource manager, which allocates test resources during execution.

Code Editor[Bearbeiten]

This sub-editor (editor tab) is used to view and edit text or executable code of elementary blocks.

Compound Block (Network / Diagram) Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to define a compound action's activity diagram.

Documentation Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to modify either the documentation of a certain tree element or a documentation element itself.

Environment Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to create and edit variables in the environment of a test suite, test plan or a compound block.

Inventory Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to view and edit inventories which are collections of test resources.

Resource Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to view and edit test resources, which can be managed and reserved during execution.

Scheme Editor[Bearbeiten]

This subeditor (editor tab) is used to edit the external interface of an action block.

Skill Editor[Bearbeiten]

This editor is used to view and edit skills, which describe the attributes of a test resource.

Block Test Editor[Bearbeiten]

This subeditor is used to model and execute quick test networks for unit-testing of individual action blocks. It is similar to the network editor.

See Also[Bearbeiten]

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