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First Steps with expecco[Bearbeiten]

The first steps are directed to all who are using expecco for the first time and for the first help. With a simple example we give an overview of expecco. It is recommended to start expecco parallel to the tutorial to be able to follow all steps within expecco.

expecco Quick Start Guide.pdf

First Steps with Web Test[Bearbeiten]

First Steps with Mobile Devices[Bearbeiten]

The Mobile Testing Plugin is used to create and run tests for apps on Android or iOS mobile devices. This tutorial describes the basic procedure using an example for Android and iOS, consisting of a simple app and an expecco test suite. The expecco Mobile Demo app calculates and checks various everyday codes: the IBAN from European payment transactions, the international GTIN-13 product codes, how to find them in retail barcodes, and the serial numbers on euro banknotes. The test-suite contains test cases for individual functions of the app. During the tutorial we will show you how to develop missing functions.

You find the tutorial on the page Mobile Testing Tutorial in two versions for Android and iOS devices.

Tutorial als Video bei "YouTube":

Testing with mobile devices

First Steps Manual Tests[Bearbeiten]

This tutorial given an introduction how to create guided manual tests with expecco. Manual tests can also be imported from spezifications (excel and other documents), and later incrementally in part or whole automated.

First Steps OPCUA[Bearbeiten]

Video tutorial: Datei:OPCUATutorial.mp4

Function Libraries[Bearbeiten]

Video "expecco`s Function Libraries" bei "YouTube":- currently only available in german language

Verwendung von Bibliotheken

Generate Test Data[Bearbeiten]

One of the most frequently asked questions is "How can I generate testdata". Due to expecco's flexibility, there are multiple solutions to solving this task. Depending on the kind and amount of data to be generated, one of several patterns applies. The following gives you a rough overview on that theme.

Tutorial: How to Generate Test Data

Working with Action Blocks[Bearbeiten]

Sorry, the YouTube video "Working with Action Blocks" is currently only available in German.
Umgang mit Bausteinen

Testing Java Applications using Groovy blocks[Bearbeiten]

Through this tutorial, we'll use a simple "Bank Account" application as system under test.

expecco API[Bearbeiten]

Before you start programming, please read the "How to Program" document, which describes how program code is handled in expecco. Unless you are familiar with the dynamics of a Smalltalk development environment, some of it may be unknown to you, and you will have more fun and be more productive, if you know the power of the tools. For the best development experience, take a look at the debugger, workspace (notepad) and data inspectors.

The rest of this document describes the syntax and semantics of the elementary action languages; for tool usage, please read the HowTo document.

Parametrizing Tests[Bearbeiten]

Parameter values (like hostnames, port numbers, user names, DB names, UI-Element locators etc.) should usually not be used literally as freeze value or hard coded into an elementary block's code, because this may make the suite harder to maintain in that you'd have to search for such values whenever a change is required (using the string search facility in the left tree view).

Instead, either fetch them from an attached file (for example, using the CSV reader), or create an environment variable and fetch the value from there. Be reminded, that the top-level variables can be initialized from a parameter file (both via the command line and/or dynamically via the menu or by an action block). Thus, you can separate the configuration from the actual suite.

Organization - Best Practices[Bearbeiten]

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