
Aus expecco Wiki (Version 2.x)
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Functions in the main menu comprise typical functions. Of special interest are the following:


  • Recover unsaved Versions
    Use this in case of a crash, machine failure or other malfunction. Opens a dialog to choose from a list of previously edited but unsaved test-suites. These typically contain the state of the suite a few seconds before the malfunction.
  • New Test Suite
    Creates a new empty test-suite.
  • New WebTest Suite
    Creates a new empty test-suite with a preset variable environment as required for web-page testing.
  • Import Library
    Use this function to import expecco building block libraries. Notice that this menu-item only imports files containing expecco-libraries (i.e. files in the expecco-test-suite format with a suffix of ".ets"). Import functions for other formats (XMI, BPEL, mindmap etc.) are found in the plugin and/or extra menu.
  • Check for New Import Versions
    Validates the versions of imported libraries against versions found in various library folders. Offers a convenient menu function to reimport and update a suite.
  • Load Parameter Set from File
    Loads the values of externally visible ("visible in expeccoNET") from a file (XML format)
  • Save Parameter Set into File
    Saves the values of all variables which are marked as externally visible ("visible in expeccoNET") to a file (XML format). Notice, that the menu item is disabled if no variables are externally visible.
  • Print
    Generates a printed test-suite documentation.


  • Undo
    Reverts the last operation(s). Notice that most changes are done as a two-step operation; changes to a diagram or to program code are initially only applied to an edit-copy of the item, and then "installed" by pressing the "apply" button. This is required because changes can be made at any time - even while a test-suite is being executed. Therefore, a diagram can be edited without affecting the ongoing execution, until a consistent state has been reached, and then installed as an "atomic" operation into the suite. The new code or diagram semantics will be in effect when that action is called the next time (i.e. an ongoing activity will continue executing the previous code/diagram).


  • New Window
    Opens another expecco window (initially on the same project). You can switch to and edit another project if required (for example, to mix & merge objects from different projects via drag & drop). If multiple windows show the same element, modifications are only possible in one of them; whenever an element is modified, the other windows enter a read-only mode. This avoids confusion and avoids editing mistakes.
  • Close Control Window
    This window is only shown when a so called GUI action block is executed. GUI blocks have a graphical user interface attached, which is shown while being executed. The Control Window opens whenever such a block is executed and remains open until closed by the operator, or via this menu function.
  • Shutdown WebGUI Control Service
    Similar to the above, this terminates the HTTP-Service which is providing web-access to the control GUI.
  • Minimize/Maximize all Windows
    Convenient menu function to quickly hide/show all of expecco's windows.


This menu provides operations referring to the currently selected tree item(s). The contents depends on the type and number of selected items. This is the same as the current-selected treeitem's popup menu (right button menu in the tree view).


This menu provides operations referring to the currently selected diagram element(s). The contents depends on the type and number of selected items. This is the same as the current-selected diagram item's popup menu (right button menu).


  • Generate Report
    Opens a dialog to further specify the layout, format and type of report to be generated. Reports can be generated in various formats, among them are HTML, PDF, XML and plain text.
  • Save Test-Result
    Saves the execution trace and log-information into a so called "expecco log-file". This contains all information required to inspect and see the execution details at any later time. It also includes the definitions of any executed action block (but not that of any other blocks).
  • Probes
    A submenu which controls the behavior of probes. Probes are parts in activity diagrams which can record and validate values as flowing in the diagram.



The contents of this menu depends on the set of installed plugins.


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