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In a testsuite, all imported libraries are physically contained in the suite file. Thus, libraries are part of the suite and stored in the ".elf"-file. That means, that a change in the library will not automatically affect any suite which imported it. This is a feature, not a bug: it prevents the so called "dll hell" in which suddenly programs cease to run correctly, due to an update of one of its imported libraries. In expecco, a suite which did run at the time it was saved, will contine to be unaffected of any updates (both updates in your project and updates due to new versions from exept).

To update a library (i.e. to get a new version imported), it has to be actively reimported.<br< Right click on the library and select "Reimport Library"

Reinport 01.png

Select the correct the correct library and confirm.

Reimport 02.png

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