GUIBlock Element/en

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A GUI block is used to model user interfaces such as a form's dialog box or a file viewer, browser or a graphic display view. It can be created or modified in the GUI editor.

Two variants are provided:

  • Simple Elementary GUI actions
  • Compound GUI actions

Simple Elementary GUI actions[Bearbeiten]

These are easy to define, but offer no workflow, other than displaying incoming values and producing output values. They can be used to generate custom data entry dialogs, simple file viewers, etc.

When opened, they will render their input values in corresponding GUI widgets, such as labels, lists, tables, etc. When closed via "doAccept", they generate updated values at corresponding output pins.

Simple GUI actions can be defined to later open their UI either modal or non-modal.

  • If modal, the dialog window will block other interaction and wait for being accepted or closed. If accepted, output pins are written, otherwise only the "canceled" output gets a value.

Because pins are written at most once, these are also called "one-shot" elementary UI actions.

  • If non-modal, output pins can be written multiple times, for example,
    if a button is connected to an output pin, the pin will receive a trigger-value whenever that button is pressed.
    If an inputfield is connected to a pin, it will receive the entered value whenever the user enters a new value (input fields can be configured to write on every key press, on lost-focus or when the return key is pressed.
    Finally, a selection-list's selection index or selection value is written to a pin, whenever the selection changes.

A concrete example on how to define and use elementary GUI blocks is found in the chapter "A Modal Forms Dialog" of the GUI Editor documentation.

Compound GUI actions[Bearbeiten]

These are more complicated, in that they need an underlying activity diagram, which controls the operation of the user interface. However, almost any UI interaction can be implemented this way.

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