Expecco ALM Architecture/en

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Overview and Architecture of Expecco ALM (Expecco TC)[Bearbeiten]

expecco ALM (also called "Expecco Test Center") is a modular, centralized test- and project management system, which provides a central repository for tests, results and also controls the automatic execution of test runs. It links tests and testruns to its builtin defect- and requirements management, monitors project progress, milestones and deadlines, and ensures conflict-free reservation of test resources.

expecco ALM is multi-client capable, with a flexible access control system, which both separates clients/projects from each other, and also controls an individual's access to artefacts depending on his role within a project. It also handles customer relations and includes a ticketing and accounting system for customer support.

Expecco ALM replaces or improves a number of other tools and can be used as one central tool to control all required workflows in a project, including ticketing, customer support, budget and accounting. It is accessed via a web interface, which is dynamically animated and updated using dynamic HTML and AJAX.

The following picture gives a rough overview on its architecture:

expecco ALM architecture (not all plugins/extensions shown)

(or as PDF: Datei:ExpeccoALMArchitecture1.pdf)

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