Date and Time API Functions

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This document lists most useful (and most often needed) functions. Be aware, that there are many more to be found in either the class references or via the builtin class browser.

Reference: Date Time Timestamp TimeDuration

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Time instances represent a time-of-day (i.e. "hh:mm:ss" within a single day).
Be aware that time represents times modulo 24 h. Thus they are not useful for arithmetic, and therefore are seldom used. See Timestamps below, which are better suited.


Time now => Time
provides the current time of day (with seconds precision).
When printed, this will present itself as 'HH:MM:SS' (or 'HH:MM:SS am/pm' in US locale)
Time nowWithMilliseconds => Time
ditto with millisecond precision.
When printed, this will present itself as 'HH:MM:SS.mmm'
Time utcNow => Time
Time utcNowWithMilliseconds => Time
provide the current time in UTC
Time hours: hrs minutes: mins seconds: secs => Time
returns a Time instance with given hours, minutes and seconds.
Time readFrom: aStringOrStream onError: [...] => Time
to convert a string into a Time instance.


aTime addSeconds: nSeconds => Time
aTime addMinutes: nMinutes => Time
aTime addHours: nHours => Time
to compute times
aTime + nSeconds => Time
aTime - nSeconds => Time
if the argument is numeric, it is interpreted as seconds.
Thus "Time now + 3600" represents a time one hour after the current time (but beware of mod 24h behavior).
Such code is considered bad style; see alternative below.
aTime + aTimeDuration => Time
aTime - aTimeDuration => Time
better use a timeDuration as argument, to make the behavior explicit.
E.g. "Time now + 3600 seconds" or "Time now + 60 minutes" or "Time now + 1 hours" all return the same result.


aTime hours => Integer (0..24)
aTime minutes => Integer (0..59)
aTime seconds => Integer (0..59)
aTime milliseconds => Integer (0..999)
to retrieve the hour, minute, second and millisecond components


aTime asTimestamp
returns a timestamp of aTime in today (in unspecified timezone)
aTime asUTCTimestamp
returns a timestamp of aTime in today (in UTC)
aTime asTZTimestamp
returns a timestamp of aTime in today (in local timezone)


Date instances represent a date (i.e. "dd-mm-yyyy").
Dates are seldom used - usually timestamps are better suited. However, there are a number of useful query function provided on the class side.


Date today => Date
provides the current date
Date tomorrow => Date
provides the date of tomorrow
Date yesterday => Date
provides the date of yesterday
Date year: yearNr month: monthNr day: dayNr => Date
for example, "(Date year:2025 month:4 day:20)" generates 20-04-2025 (i.e. 20th April 2025)
Date readFrom: aString onError: replacementBlock => Date
reads a date from a string. Tries to be smart detecting the format. Be aware that there is a difference in the order between US and European formats: US uses MM/DD/YY, whereas the European format is DD-MM-YY. We recommend using formats like YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD (both ISO 8601), which have the advantage of being both unambiguous and sortable as strings.


aDate addDays: numDays => Date
to compute a date numDays after aDate
aDate subtractDays: numDays => Date
to compute a date numDays before aDate; for example: "(Date today subtractDays:7)"
aDate subtractDate: date2 => Integer (nr of days)
to compute the number of days since 1.1.1900, use: "(Date today subtractDate:(Date year:1900 month:1 day:1))"


aDate day => Integer (1..31)
aDate month => Integer (1..12)
aDate year => Integer
to retrieve date components.

Useful Queries[Bearbeiten]

The class side provides information which is not related to any particular date (i.e. static functions in C or Java nomenclature)
Date dayNamesForLanguage: langCode => Collection of Strings
Date abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage: langCode => Collection of Strings
returns day names / abbreviated day names in various languages (ISO language code as argument: en, de, fr, it, es, ...).
 Date abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage: 'en'
   => #('mon' 'tue' 'wed' 'thu' 'fri' 'sat' 'sun')
 Date abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage: 'de'
   => #('Mo' 'Di' 'Mi' 'Do' 'Fr' 'Sa' 'So')
 Date dsyNamesForLanguage: 'fr'
   => #('lundi' 'mardi' 'mercredi' 'vendredi' 'jeudi' 'samedi' 'dimanche')
Date nameOfDay: dayIndex language: langCode=> String
Date nameOfDay: dayIndex => String
Date abbreviatedNameOfDay: dayIndex language: langCode => String
Date abbreviatedNameOfDay: dayIndex => String
returns the day name / abbreviated day name of the given day (1=Monday). Without langCode argument, the name is returned in the current user language.
Date monthNamesForLanguage: langCode => Collection of Strings
Date abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage: langCode => Collection of Strings
Date nameOfMonth: monthIndex language: langCode => String
Date nameOfMonth: monthIndex => String
Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth: monthIndex language: langCode => String
Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth: monthIndex => String
same for month names
Date dayOfWeek: dayName language: langCode => Integer
Date dayOfWeek: dayName => Integer
the reverse operation: given a string containing a day name, return the day-in-week number (1..7). Without a langCode argument, the current user language is tried first, then English. If the string is invalid, a 0 is returned.
Date indexOfMonth: monthString language: langCode
Date indexOfMonth: monthString
same for months: given a string containing a month name, return the month number (1..12). Without a langCode argument, the current user language is tried first, then English. If the string is invalid, a 0 is returned.
Date leapYear: yearInteger => Boolean
returns true if yearInteger is leap year.


Timestamp instances represent a particular point in time. (i.e. "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss"). Conceptionally, they combine Date and Time with a higher resolution into one object. Timestamps can be created from strings or acquired from the operating system. OS-timestamp precision varies among operating systems; some may only provide millisecond resolution, others provide nanosecond resolution.

In contrast to the operating system's time information, Timestamps can represent times before 1970/1900 and after 2036. Thus expecco has no problem representing the year 2525 or 1400 as a timestamp.

However, there is currently no specific support for pre-Gregorian dates, which means that dates before Gregor are simply extrapolated printed as if they were Gregorian (very unlikely, that you are affected by this, unless you are testing an application dealing with historic dates).

Timestamps can be either local timestamps, UTC timestamps or timezone-specific timestamps, and are then instances of one of the classes Timestamp, UTCTimestamp or TZTimestamp, which can be converted into each other as required.

Local timestamps (instances of Timestamp) do not carry along any timezone information; they can be used to measure time deltas or if the timezone is irrelevant or if it is provided by another information source.

UTC timestamps are explicitly marked as being universal time zone based.

TZTimestamps carry their offset relative to UTC with them.


Timestamp now => Timestamp
provides the current timestamp (local time); millisecond resolution bz default
Timestamp nowWithMicroseconds => Timestamp
ditto with microsecond precision
UTCTimestamp now => UTCTimestamp
provides the current timestamp (UTC time)
TZTimestamp now => TZTimestamp
provides the current timestamp (in the local timezone)
TZTimestamp nowInTimeZone: tzName => TZTimestamp
provides the current timestamp in the given timezone.
E.g. "TZTimestamp nowInTimeZone:'JST'" returns the current time in Japan Standard Time. A list of timezones is returned by "TimeZone timeZones".
Timestamp year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s millisecond: millis
provides a new local timestamp for the given date and time.
Same protocol can be used to get UTCTimestamps and TZTimestamps
Timestamp fromDate:' aDate ándTime: aTime => Timestamp
creates a timestamp from given date and time instances
Timestamp secondsSince1970: anInteger => Timestamp
creates a timestamp from the given number of seconds. Useful to convert UNIX timestamps.
Timestamp secondsSince1900: anInteger => Timestamp
creates a timestamp from the given number of seconds. Useful to convert NTP timestamps.


aTimestamp asUTCTimestamp => Timestamp
convert a timestamp to an UTC timestamp
aTimestamp asLocalTimestamp => Timestamp
convert a timestamp to a local timestamp (i.e. no timezone info)
aTimestamp asTZTimestamp => Timestamp
convert a timestamp to a timestamp for your timezone
aTimestamp asTZTimestamp: utcOffsetInSeconds => Timestamp
convert a timestamp to a timestamp with the given tz offset
aTimestamp asTZTimestampInZone: nameOfTimeZone => Timestamp
convert a timestamp to a timestamp in the given timezone.
for example to get the current time in NewYork, use " Timestamp now asTZTimestampInZone:'EST' "
and to get the time in Stuttgart, use " Timestamp now asTZTimestampInZone:'MEZ' "
aTimestamp asDate => Date
convert a timestamp to a date (i.e. forgets the time information). Mainly useful for printing.
aTimestamp asTime => Time
convert a timestamp to a time (i.e. forgets the date information). Mainly useful for printing.


aTimestamp day => Integer
the day in month (1 .. 31)
aTimestamp month => Integer
the month in year (1 .. 12)
aTimestamp year => Integer
the year
aTimestamp hours => Integer
the hour within the day (0..23)
aTimestamp minutes => Integer
the minutes within the hour (0 .. 59)
aTimestamp seconds => Integer
the seconds within the minute (0 .. 59)
aTimestamp milliSeconds => Integer
the truncated milliseconds within the second (0 .. 999)
aTimestamp microSeconds => Integer
the truncated microseconds within the second (0 .. 999999). If the timestamp was acquired from an operating system which does not provide that precision, these will be the milliseconds * 1000.
aTimestamp nanoSeconds => Integer
the truncated nanoseconds within the second (0 .. 999999999). Will be microseconds * 1000 if the source did not provide the precision.
aTimestamp picoSeconds => Integer
the picoseconds within the second (0 .. 999999999999). Will be nanoseconds * 1000 if the source did not provide the precision
aTimestamp exactMilliSeconds => Number
the exact milliseconds within the second as integer (0 .. 999) or fixed point number (0 ..
aTimestamp exactMicroSeconds => Number
the exact microseconds within the second
aTimestamp exactNanoSeconds => Number
the exact nanoseconds within the second
aTimestamp dayInWeek => Integer
the weekday in European numbering (1=Monday)
aTimestamp dayOfWeek => Integer
the weekday in US numbering (1=Sunday)
aTimestamp dayInYear => Integer
the day within the year (1=1st January)
aTimestamp weekInYear => Integer
the week-number within the year. The returned week number starts with 1 for the first week which has a thursday in it (see DIN 1355-1/ISO 8601). Be prepared: by definition this can lead to the 1st week starting in the old year!


aTimestamp utcSecondsSince1900 => Integer
the number of seconds since 1.1.1900; timestamps are often represented as such in communication protocols (e.g. NTP and OSC)
aTimestamp utcSecondsSince1901 => Integer
the number of seconds since 1.1.1901; timestamps are sometimes represented as such in communication protocols
aTimestamp utcSecondsSince1970 => Integer
the number of seconds since 1.1.1970; UNIX timestamps are represented as such in communication protocols


aTimestamp printStringRFC1123Format => String
a string representation as in RFC1123.
For example, " 'Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:41:31 GMT' "
aTimestamp printRFC1123FormatOn: aStream => void
append the RFC1123 representation to a stream.
E.g. "Timestamp now printRFC1123FormatOn: Transcript".
aTimestamp printStringIso8601 => String
generates a string representation as defined in Iso8601.
For example, " '2022-01-05T20:43:55.068' "
aTimestamp printIso8601FormatOn: aStream => void
append the Iso8601 representation to a stream.
E.g. "Timestamp now printIso8601FormatOn: Transcript".
aTimestamp printStringIso8601Compressed => String
generates a compressed string representation as defined in Iso8601.
For example, " 20220105T204544.828 "
aTimestamp printIso8601CompressedOn: aStream => void
append the compressed Iso8601 representation to a stream.
E.g. "Timestamp now printIso8601CompressedOn: Transcript".
aTimestamp printStringFormat: formatString => String
generates a string representation as specified in formatString.
For example, " Timestamp now printStringFormat:'%h:%m:%s' " might generate a string like " '20:48:47' "
Valid format characters are:
"%h" (hour 24 padded),"%m" (minutes),"%s" (seconds),"%i" (millis),"%j" (micros),
"%(day)" (day-nr in month), "%(month)" (month-nr), "%(year)" (year),
"%H" (hour 24 unpadded), "%M" (minutes unpadded), "%S" (seconds unpadded),
"%(milli)" (millis), "%(milli1)" (millis, 1 digit), "%(milli3)" (millis, 3 digits),
"%(micro)" (micros), "%(micro6)" (micros, 6 digits),
"%(nano)" (nanos), "%(nano9)" (nanos, 9 digits),
"%(pico)" (picos), "%(pico12)" (picos, 12 digits),
"%(weekDay)" (1 to 7), "%(dayName)" (in current language), "%(monthName)" (in current language), "%(shortDayName)" (in current language), "%(shortMonthName)" (in current language).
For a full list, see the AbstractTime class documentation, or look into the source in the class browser.
aTimestamp printOn: aStream format: formatString => void
same as above, but the string is sent to aStream.


TimeDuration instances represent a time-delta. (i.e. seconds + fractional seconds). TimeDurations are typically returned when timestamps are subtracted. They provide a protocol similar to the above described Time protocol (albeit with a higher resolution).

TimeDurations can be either created via constructor messages to the TimeDuration class, by arithmetic on Timestamps, or by some special messages to numbers:

Creation (Constructors)[Bearbeiten]

TimeDuration hours: h minutes: m seconds: s
TimeDuration hours: h minutes: m seconds: s milliseconds: ms
TimeDuration days: d hours: h minutes: m seconds: s nanoSeconds: n

Creation (In Number)[Bearbeiten]

aNumber hours. => TimeDuration
aNumber minutes. => TimeDuration
aNumber seconds. => TimeDuration
aNumber milliseconds.=> TimeDuration
aNumber microseconds => TimeDuration
aNumber nanoseconds => TimeDuration
aNumber picoseconds. => TimeDuration
aNumber weeks => TimeDuration
aNumber months => TimeDuration
aNumber years => TimeDuration
each returns a corresponding time duration.
E.g. "10 days" gives you a time duration object representing 10*24 hours or 10*24*3600 seconds

Creation (from Timestamps)[Bearbeiten]

"timestamp1 - timestamp2 => TimeDuration
the difference between two timestamps; notice that the result may be negative


timeDuration1 + timeDuration2 => TimeDuration
a longer time duration.
E.g. "1 days + 10 hours"
timeDuration1 - timeDuration2 => TimeDuration
a shorter time duration. Result may bring you back in time (i.e. be negative)
timeDuration1 * number => TimeDuration
a multiple
E.g. "10 minutes * 10" => 100 minutes


TimeZone instances associate an UTC-offset to a timezone name. The class can be asked for known timezones with "TimeZone timeZones".

Due to the bad fact that zone names are NOT unambiguous ('IST', 'CST' and others), it is highly recommended to NOT use them when printing timestamps or other geographic time information. Instead use the '+/-UTCoffset' notation. The default print function use the ISO recommendations, which do so. The same is true for DST info. Grazy politicians seem to have no idea, what the cost of populistic changes in the switching dates/times are, and we do not carry with us a historic table of when and where DST was in effect, and by how much.
If your test needs that, refer to the timezone database which can be downloaded from the internet.

Class Queries[Bearbeiten]

TimeZone timeZones => Dictionary
Returns a map, associating names to wellknown timezones. Notice that a reverse mapping is not in general possible, as there are usually multiple names (given by individual countries) referring to the same zone, and also both daylight saving and standard times are in this list (e.g. an utcOffset of -540 can be any of 'AKST', 'YST' or 'HDT').
Also be careful, as some countries (brainlessly) use conflicting names: 'IST' is used (locally) as 'Irish Standard', 'Israel Standard' or 'India Standard' time; and 'CST' could be any of 'China Standard', 'Central Standard' or 'Cuba' time. Sigh!
The table returns 'India' for 'IST' and 'Chicago-Central' for 'CST'. Consult the table to make sure it delivers what you expected.

Instance Creation[Bearbeiten]

TimeZone name: nameOfZone => TimeZone
For example, "TimeZone name:'JST'" or "TimeZone name:'EDT'" 'Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:41:31 GMT'

Instance Queries[Bearbeiten]

aTimeZone utcOffset => Integer
the offset from UTC in seconds. Negative means EAST of Greenwich, positive WEST.
Notice that "GMT" is a timezone whereas "UTC" is the coordinated universal time. However, both have the same UTC offset of 0 (zero).
aTimeZone abbreviation => String
the abbreviated name, which is also the 'official' name-key in the timeZones list.
Typical are 'EDT', 'CET' or 'JST', but also the military names 'A' through 'Z', with 'Z' being the same as 'UTC'.
aTimeZone name => String
the name spelled out.
E.g. "(TimeZone name:'EDT') name" gives 'eastern daylight' and "(TimeZone name:'B') name" gives 'bravo'.
aTimeZone isDST => Boolean
true if this timeZone is a daylight saving time.


Printed on a machine in Germany with DST in effect.

    TZTimestamp nowInTimeZone:'CEST'   => 2023-07-07 14:58:06.329+02
    TZTimestamp nowInTimeZone:'EET'    => 2023-07-07 14:58:10.883+02
    TZTimestamp nowInTimeZone:'EEST'   => 2023-07-07 15:58:24.235+03

    TZTimestamp now                    => 2023-07-07 14:58:33.203+02
    Timestamp now                      => 2023-07-07 14:58:46.155
    UtcTimestamp now                   => 2023-07-07 12:58:52.851Z
    Timestamp now asTZTimestampInZone:'JST'  => 2023-07-07 21:58:54.341+09

    UtcTimestamp now printStringIso8601 => '2023-07-07T16:07:27.977Z'
    TZTimestamp now printStringIso8601  => '2023-07-07T18:08:07.644+02'
    Timestamp now printStringIso8601    => '2023-07-07T18:08:35.425'

    Time now                           => 14:59:00
    Date today                         => 07-07-2023

    Timestamp now utcOffset                      => -7200
    (TZTimestamp now) utcOffset                  => -7200
    (TZTimestamp nowInTimeZone:'EEST') utcOffset => -10800

    Timestamp readFrom:'2023-07-07T16:07:27.977Z'   => (UtcTimestamp 2023-07-07 16:07:27.977Z)
    Timestamp readFrom:'2023-07-07T18:08:07.644+02' => (TZTimestamp 2023-07-07 18:08:07.644+02)
    Timestamp readFrom:'2023-07-07T18:08:07.644'    => (Timestamp 2023-07-07 18:08:07.644)

    Timestamp now + 10 days             => 2023-07-17 18:13:31.514

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