Action Finder/en

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This tool attempts to find action blocks which generate a given result when provided with given input values.

Popup Menu in Diagram Editor

The tool is opened via the "New Step" dialog in the diagram editor (the button at the top-right).

New Step Dialog in Diagram Editor

In the search dialog, click on "Search by Result":

Action Finder

The action finder presents fields to enter the input value(s) ("Arguments") at the top left, the expected output value ("'Answer") and a search button. Results of the search are found at the right side.

Using the Action Finder[Bearbeiten]

Assume that you need to find an action block to concatenate two strings. I.e. you need an action with 2 input pins where we want to provide the values "hello" and "world", and which should generate "helloworld" at its output pin:

  • first choose the number of input pins (in this case 2) in the top-left drop down list
  • enter the two input values 'hello' and 'world'. For now, these must be given as Smalltalk literals (i.e. single quoted for strings).
  • enter the expected output value 'helloworld'
  • click on "Search"


the set of actions which generate that result will be shown in left-bottom list.
Select an entry to see the action in the right area:
Click on "New Step" to get the action placed into your diagram
Action Finder after Search

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