Settings LoggingSettings/en

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Activity log entries remember the result of a step's execution. They usually include information about the input pin values, the execution time, the outcome (verdict) and the generated output value(s). The activity log is (currently) stored in memory, to avoid excessive slow-down of the tests execution.

The activity log as generated by long running extensive tests may become very large and consume lots of memory - sometimes more than can be kept and prunning (cutting off parts of the trace) is required. For such tests, it might be useful to disable the logging of certain actions and/or steps and/or pins. This can be controlled via popup menus of steps and pins in the diagram editor.

In contrast to activity logs, traces as sent to the Transcript (Console) are not persistent and will be lost when the Transcript window is closed (unless the contents is captured and saved explicitly, via one of the Transcript action blocks)

Logging Settings[Bearbeiten]

These are found in "Settings" - "Execution" - "Logging".

Log Activities[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, every activity is stored in the activity log. If disabled, only failed activities are stored. There will be always one master (top-level) entry stored, which keeps the overall outcome of an execution, even for passed runs with disabled logging.

This parameter can be set and saved directly in the test suite. When a new test suite is created, the value from the settings dialog is used as the default value.

Log Pin Data[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, all input and output pin values are stored in the activity log. Otherwise all values are discarded and pin values cannot be inspected after the test run.

This parameter can be set and saved directly in the test suite. When a new test suite is created, the value from the settings dialog is used as the default value.

Log Info[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, all information messages (i.e. messages as generated by explicit logInfo calls and logInfo blocks) are stored in the activity log. Otherwise information messages are discarded.

This parameter can be set and saved directly in the test suite. When a new test suite is created, the value from the settings dialog is used as the default value.

Log GUI Screenshots Automatically on Error[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, GUI action blocks which encounter an error (typically: element/xpath not found) will automatically generate a screenshot and add this to the activity log. Be aware that this may generate a huge number of images and lead to excessive memory use and even a failure when running out of memory (especially on 32bit machines). SO this feature should only be used during development.

Log External OS Commands[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, all executed OS commands (shell/script interpreter calls, etc.) will be logged in the activity log.

Log System Activity Notifications[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, activity information notifications (i.e. implicit notifications of the underlying language framework) are stored in the activity log as info log entries. Otherwise information messages are discarded.

The default is false (used to be true in pre 2.1 releases).

Timestamps have Microsecond Resolution[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, timestamps are kept with microsecond resolution (if the underlying operating system supports them); otherwise, they are generated with millisecond resolution.

The default is false for backward compatibility with older expecco versions.

Ignore any "Skip in Trace" Attribute[Bearbeiten]

Enforces an activity log/trace to be generated for all steps/pin values, even if individual steps/pins have the "Skip in Trace" attribute set.

Prefix for log output[Bearbeiten]

An environment variable called__Transcript_Prefix__ can be defined in a test suite. When text from this test suite is written to Transcript, the value of the variable is also output as a prefix.

Tracing Settings[Bearbeiten]

These are found in "Settings" - "Execution" - "Tracing".

Show Internal Warning and Info Messages[Bearbeiten]

Probably only useful for diagnostics of expecco itself

Show Actions being Executed[Bearbeiten]

If enabled, the currently executed action's name is shown in the lower info area (not in the Transcript). It can be further filtered by tag.

Logger Treshold[Bearbeiten]

Defines a treshold which controls the set of Logger messages to be shown. Logger messages are typically produced internally eg. to display progress, errors etc. Many logger messages are meant for expecco developers, however some might be also of interest during test development. Logger messages are associated a severity, which can be TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or FATAL. Only logger messages with a greater-or-equal severity will be shown by the logger.
By default, this treshold is set to "WARNING".

Show External Commands on Transcript[Bearbeiten]

If on, executed shell, batch, script and other OS commands will be traced on the Transcript.

Show Stdout and Stderr on Transcript[Bearbeiten]

If on, the stdout/stderr of executed external programs is traced on the Transcript (stderr in red).

Show Outgoing HTTP Requests on Transcript[Bearbeiten]

Outgoing HTTP requests (from the HTTP-get/put actions) will be traced on the Transcript.

Show Outgoing SOAP Requests on Transcript[Bearbeiten]

Outgoing SOAP requests will be traced on the Transcript.

Show IMAP and POP3 Protocol on Transcript[Bearbeiten]

Interactions with the mailbox are traced on the Transcript.

MessageTally on Execution[Bearbeiten]

If checked, execution times of elementary activities are measured and an execution profile is generated after the execution (on the Transcript window). This is useful to find out where time is spent for performance optimizations.

Coverage Recording onExecution[Bearbeiten]

If checked, executed actions are instrumented to record which parts are executed and which are not. (this is an unfinished feature, which may or may not work in your particular version of expecco)

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