Settings HotKeySettings/en

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Hotkey Settings[Bearbeiten]

The purpose of hotkeys is to allow some control over expecco, while recording or replaying a GUI interaction, without having to move the mouse or click on something (i.e. to avoid both interacting with the application and recording that interaction). A typical situation where a hotkey is needed is when a GUI-Element is removed when the mouse is moved (such as a menu or tooltip), and you want to inspect the element's attributes.

Hotkeys are caught by expecco before they are sent to any application.
Thus, any key which is defined as hotkey can NOT be sent to ANY window.

Notice: The Hotkey service is currently only available for Windows operating systems.
Support for other systems is part of the roadmap and will be integrated in a future expecco release.

Possible Conflicts[Bearbeiten]

Be aware, that other applications may also acquire hotkeys - the operating system allocates them on a first-come first-served basis. This means, that expecco will not be able to allocate a hotkey, if another application was started before expecco, and has already reserved the hotkey. Vice-versa, any other application which is started after expecco will not be able to acquire a hotKey, if expecco already reserved it.

If that is a problem, you should either configure a different key-modifier combination, or make sure that expecco is started before the other application (and denying the hotkey to the other).

Available Hotkey Functions[Bearbeiten]

In this version expecco supports the following hot key functions:

  • Start a testrun in expecco (the hot key will be delegated to the last active browser window)
  • Stop a running test execution
  • Toggle (start/stop) the recording mode in expecco GUIBrowser
  • Toggle (start/stop) the follow mouse mode in expecco GUIBrowser
  • Get current focused UI element from application under test and select this element in the GUIBrowser tree
  • Get current UI element under pointer from the application and select this element in the GUIBrowser tree
  • Refresh the GUIBrowser's widget/element tree
  • Freeze (on/off) the GUIBrowser's widget/element tree (prevent automatic updates of the tree, especially when the mouse is moved)

The state of the hotkey service (running/stopped) is shown in the settings dialog and also in the lower right of the expecco main window (the key-icon is shown in color).

Hotkey Setup[Bearbeiten]

In the hotkey setup dialog you can specify the hotkeys you want to use within expecco. The default setting for the hotkeys is disabled. In the table (see image below) you can enable/disable each hotkey specification row by a check toggle. If disabled (check toggle is off), this hotkey will remain disabled when the service is started. In the "Hotkey" and "Modifier" columns you can define the key+modifier you want to assign to the hotkey function.

The hotkey settings can not be changed while the service is running.


To automatically start the hotkey service after expecco's startup, check the "Auto start hot key event listener" toggle. To start the service manually, press the "Start" button. If the "Start" button is disabled, you may have unapplied changes in the settings. Then apply them first.


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