HelpWizard Pages HowTo/en

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HelpWizard Wiki Pages HowTo[Bearbeiten]

Embedded Scenarios[Bearbeiten]

Insert a comment (after the headline - otherwise, mediaWiki removes the comment!):

    When  project is not modified
    Then create a new empty suite
    When selenium library is not imported
    Then import the selenium library
 Scenario: name 

For the first example, the WizardActions.ets MUST contain corresponding step actions. For the second example, it MUST contain a corresponding scenario actions.

Notice: all gherkin keywords must be upper-case-first (i.e. "Scenario", "When", "Then", etc.)

Embedded action links (executed by expecco)[Bearbeiten]

[[doit:"NewLauncher open"|NewLauncher]]


[http://doit/NewLauncher_open NewLauncher]

will be executed by expecco when clicked.
Attention: wiki replaces blanks inside the doIt-string with underlines, which are translated back by the helpWizard. Therefore: No underlines in the expression.

also: ignore any red-links in the wiki: these links will definitely NOT be here.

Try this: NewLauncher
Try this: NewLauncher


[[doit:"Transcript showCR:'hello world'"|'hello world' on Transcript]] -> 'hello world' on Transcript


Funktioniert aktuell nicht - sv muss tooltip extension in mediawiki installieren



{{#tip-img: /path/to/your/image.png | image tooltip-text }}


{{#tip-img: Question16x16.png | image tooltip-text }}

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