Tools ModelTranslationEditor/en

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Expecco uses two separate national translation schemes:

  1. language translations for the GUI
  2. language translations for model elements (blocks, steps, pins, etc.)

Both languages can be changed independently in the settings dialog ("Extras" -> "Settings" -> "Language").
However, the translation information is stored in separate places.

  • The translation strings for the GUI are bundled with the original distribution provided by eXept, and more or less fix (although, a knowledgeable user can easily add new languages and/or modify existing language translations, as these files are plain regular text files in the "resources" subfolders).
  • The model language translations are stored in the project-file itself, and are attached to the top-level "Project" tree item. These are stored in and transported with the testSuite-file.

Defining national translations for model elements is very useful in multi-language companies. Especially, when considering the documentation aspect of the graphical programming model: every programmer can see the action, step and pin names in his native language.

Model language translations are added, modified and possibly removed using the "Model Translation Editor", which is opened via the "Extra" -> "Translations" menu item.

For development in a multi-language environment, it is a good strategy to choose one language as the primary language, and base all translations on that. Usually this would be English. However, this is not a strict requirement: any language can be added later at any time and in any order. Thus, it is also possible to start in German, and add French, Italian and English translations later.

For the following example, we assume, that the tree elements are initially named in English,

ModelLanguage Tree1.png

and translations are to be added in German and French.

Perform the following steps:

  1. open the "Model Language Editor",
  2. Fetch all existing tree-element names via the "Utilities" -> "Fetch Names from Tree" menu item.
  3. specify the language to be added (i.e. select "de_de")
  4. add the translation, by selecting an untranslated name and editing its "translated" value
  5. change the language to "fr_fr" and repeat the previous step
  6. confirm by saving via the "Save" menu item.

ModelLanguage Editor1.png

To see the effect, in you tree/diagrams, change the model language in the settings dialog (notice, that GUI's language remains the same; German, in this example).

ModelLanguage Tree2.png

Hint: as the length of word differs by some 20-30% among languages, some steps may now be too small to show the possibly longer names. Therefore, it is a good idea, to reserve some additional space for every new step by making them somewhat wider right from the start.

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