TableDrivenBlock Editor-Table Editor/en

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Table driven test editor

The following document describes the table driven test editor used to view and edit table driven blocks.

Table driven actions were added for users which are used to sequential keyword driven test development. They are semantically equivalent to compound actions, but are limited to a strict sequential execution flow.

If actions get more complex, table driven actions can be transformed to compound actions as described here.


Table Driven Editor Toolbar.png

The toolbar area consists of two different groups. In the left function group of the toolbar you will find the buttons concerning the test execution, in the right area of the toolbar you will find the following functions concerning the presentation.

  • Icon Run.png Start a test run or continue after a breakpoint or execution pause. This allows for a changed table's functionality to be checked immediately, without a need to create an extra compound block or a testplan-item for it to be executed. If the edited block needs input values or other prerequisite setup for the test run, these should be defined in the tab named "Test/Demo" (which is the rightmost tab of the editor).

  • Icon RunWithDebugMode.png Start a test run but open a debugger window in case of test failure, even if the debugger is currently disabled in the settings. This kind of run is helpful during test development or error analysis. It enables debugging mode without changing the settings.

  • Icon Collapse.png Collapse all step items; all In- and Output pins of a step will be hidden. This allows to find a specific step item faster and get a general impression of the table.

  • Icon Expand.png Expand all step items; all In- and Output pins of a step will be visible. This allows to inspect the interaction between steps and to retrace a run.


Adding Steps[Bearbeiten]

There are three possibilities to add new entries so called steps to the table:

  • via drag & drop from the project tree
  • via the context menu's "New Step" entry
  • or by copy & paste step from a table, network or the left element tree.

The step is initially selected, indicated by the highlighted row.
The inputs of the new created steps are set to their default values, dependent on the settings or if copied, the values are adapted from the original step.

Selecting Steps[Bearbeiten]

A step can be selected by left-clicking it. Additional steps are selected by holding down the Shift-key in conjunction to the left mouse button. In a similar way, press the Control-key (CTRL or STRG) and click to toggle steps into or out of the selection.

Another possibility to select multiple steps at a time is to mark a selection rectangle area with the mouse, which selects all steps (and other elements) that are within that area.

Arranging Steps[Bearbeiten]

The steps execution order is given by their position in the table. You can move rows up and down within the table, replace steps or remove them via the context menu.

Supplying Steps with Values[Bearbeiten]

There are three different ways to set a value for a certain step:

  • ReadFromFreezeValue.png Values can be set directly and be 'frozen' to the pin.
  • ReadFromEnvironment.png Values can be read from environment variables. If the environment contains a variable whose datatype is matching the pins datatype the variable will be suggested.
  • ReadFromPin.png Values can be read from input pins. If the block description contains a pin whose datatype is matching the pins datatype the pin will be suggested.

Output Pin Operations[Bearbeiten]

Compare Pin Value[Bearbeiten]

The following operations can be used to ensure a specific value at a pin:

  • ValueMustBeEqualTo.png value must be equal to
    The value at this pin must be equal to the value accessed as identified. Otherwise the table driven block will report a failure.
  • ValueMayNOTBeEqualTo.png value may NOT be equal to
    The value at this pin may not be equal to the value accessed as identified. Otherwise the table driven block will report a failure.
  • BreakWithSuccessIndicator.png Break with success
    If this pin is triggered the execution of the table driven block will stop with success.
  • BreakWithFailureIndicator.png Failed
    If this pin is triggered the execution of the table driven block will stop with a failure.
  • Inconclusive.png Inconclusive
    If this pin is triggered the execution of the table driven block will stop and the execution status will be inconclusive.

Save Pin Value[Bearbeiten]

The following operations can be used to make the value, available at this pin, accessible:

  • WriteToEnvironment.png Write to Environment Variable
    Write the value to a variable.
  • WriteToOutput.png Write to Output
    Write the value to the table driven block's output pin. The value can be used in the sequence/diagram in which the block is executed, but not in the table driven block itself.


  • BreakWithSuccessLineIndicator.png The step has a break with success set at an output pin. When the output pin is triggered, the execution of the table is aborted with success as return value.
  • BreakPointed.png The step has a breakpoint set. When reached during a test run, the executor will pause and wait for either the "Run/Continue" or the "Single-Step" button to be pressed.


Main Menu[Bearbeiten]

Main Menu Options

This menu can be found as 'Diagram' in the main menu:

  • Import from CSV file ...
    Add new steps and freeze the values from the imported CSV file to the input pins.
  • Environment...
    Open an dialog to inspect the tables environment.

Common Options (Context Menu)[Bearbeiten]

Common Options

When nothing is selected in the editor:

  • New Step
    Add a new step item to the table.
  • Goto...
    Open an dialog to ask for a step number to go to.
  • Find, Find Next and Find Previous
    Open the search function and find the next or previous matching item.
  • Aspect
    Expand or collapse all steps.

Step Specific Options (Context Menu)[Bearbeiten]

Step Specific Options

When a step is selected in the editor:

  • Copy, Paste and Delete
    Copy and delete the selected step or insert after selected step.
  • Open Editor
    Open an editor to rename the selected step.
  • Add Extra Page on Selected Item
    Open a extra page on the selected step to inspect the steps functionality.
  • Goto...
    Open an dialog to ask for a step number to go to.
  • Find, Find Next and Find Previous
    Open the search function and find the next or previous matching step.
  • New Step
    Add a new step item to the table.
  • Replace By
    Replace the selected item by a new step item.
  • Move Up and Move Down
    Move the selected step in the indicated direction within the table.
  • Toggle Breakpoint
    Toggle a breakpoint on the selected step.
  • Freeze and Unfreeze
    Freeze or unfreeze default values to the pins.
  • Aspect
    Contains menu entries to expand or collapse all steps.
  • Properties...
    Open a dialog to change the background of the selected step.

Multiple Step Specific Options (Context Menu)[Bearbeiten]

Multiple Step Specific Options

When more than one step is selected in the editor:

  • Delete
    Delete the selected steps.
  • Move Up and Move Down
    Move the selected steps in the indicated direction within the table.
  • Freeze and Unfreeze
    Freeze or unfreeze default values to the pins.
  • Properties...
    Open a dialog to change the background of the selected steps.
  • Aspect
    Contains menu entries to expand or collapse all steps.
  • Refactor
    Extract, or extract and replace selected steps with, a new table with a copy of the selected steps.

Pin Specific Options (Context Menu)[Bearbeiten]

Pin Specific Options

When a pin is selected in the editor:

  • Move Variable To
    Move a value, dedicated to the steps pin, to the table's pin or environment.
  • Freeze and Unfreeze
    Freeze or unfreeze default values to the pins.
  • Open Editor
    Open an editor to edit the freeze value of the selected pin.
  • Add and Remove Pin
    Add or remove a pin, if possible.


Visible aspects and behavior of a table driven block can be affected via the Settings Dialog.

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