Settings TagColorSettings/en

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Tag Colors[Bearbeiten]

This dialog is used to specify per-tag colors for steps in diagrams. These settings are user-specific and stored in the private settings file - not in the suite. Therefore, in a team, each member can use his/her own tag-color settings.

An example use is to associate an extra color to the "selenium" tag, in order to get all steps highlighted, which interact with the web browser during a test.

Another good practice is to associate a particular (ugly) color with outdated actions, for which new replacement versions are available or which need more work to be done. Useful, especially when working in a team to give a quick hint to importers of a library, that some actions have become obsolete.

Adding a Tag Color Spec[Bearbeiten]

  • Enter one or more tags into the top box, or choose from the list of existing tags.
  • Select a color to associate to the tag.
  • Click on "Add".

Removing a Tag Color Spec[Bearbeiten]

  • Select a spec-row in the list
  • Press the "Remove" button.

Changing a Tag Color Spec:[Bearbeiten]

  • Select a spec-row in the list
  • Choose another color
  • Click on "Add".

Tag Matching[Bearbeiten]

Tree elements and steps in an activity diagram which have matching tags will be shown in the specified color. If you enter more than one tag into the tag-field (a tag group), an element must have all the tags for a match, and for that color to be used. If an element has multiple tags, the best match (the entry which has most matching tags) will specify the color.

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