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Project management Settings[Bearbeiten]

Automatic Check for New Versions of Imported Libraries[Bearbeiten]

If this option is checked, imported libraries are automatically checked for being outdated whenever a test suite is loaded. This is done by looking for a more recent version of an imported library along the path of auto import directories. If any is found, a dialog appears, asking if you want to re-import that library. The term "more recent" does NOT refer to the library-file's modification time, but the real modification time of the contents (i.e. when some element was changed) AND also the libraries version number (which is found in the "Misc" tab of the library editor). Thus, as long as that version number is unchanged, the automatic re-import will not consider the library as candidate for re-import. This was done to allow for minor changes (such as documentation etc.) which are of no interest to importers to be made to a library, without causing cascades of re-import in other projects.

Automatic Reimport New Versions of Imported Libraries[Bearbeiten]

If this option is checked, imported libraries are automatically checked for being outdated AND a re-import is done without further asking, whenever a test suite is loaded. Same behavior as above, but no confirmation dialog appears.

Auto Import Paths[Bearbeiten]

This path is used exclusively by the automatic re-import. Allows the user to define a list of standard paths where test suites and libraries are located for the automatic reimport.

Library Paths[Bearbeiten]

This path is used by file dialogs and the file browser.

Allows the user to define a list of standard paths where test suites and libraries are located in. The browser and dialogs will provide fast access to those directories via a bookmark-like pull-down list.

The default path of the file browser is set to the first entry into the list of standard paths. If the list is empty, the default path is set to the expecco's home directory.

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