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MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol used in the Internet of Things (IoT). This plugin provides an interface to an MQTT broker (such as mosquitto) and allows for both typical high-level interaction via publish/subscribe/waitForEvent operations, and low level (wire-level) interaction on the packet level. The later allows for robustness tests (invalid, long, short, broken packets), timing measurements and load/performance tests to be implemented easily via drag&drop.

If you want to evaluate MQTT with expecco, and you don't have a MQTT-enabled application yet, exept can provide you with a docker image dontaining a mosqitto demo server.

Get the exported docker image from:

Import the docker image with:

   docker image import docker-mqtt-image.tar

Start a container based on the image (running in forground):

   docker run -ti --rm -p1883:1883 -p8883:8883 -p9001:9001 exept/mqtt

You can now run the "Demo Testplan" contained in the MQTT_Interface_Library.ets delivered with expecco. If your MQTT docker container is running on a different host than expecco, change the MQTT_HOST environment variable from "localhost" to the hostname or IP-Address of the docker host.

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