KeywordBlock Editor-KeywordActionList Editor/en

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Keyword test editor

The following document describes the keyword test editor. The keyword test editor can be used for tests with a sequential test flow. The action definitions in a keyword driven test are normally high level test steps without or with a few set of parameters. This keeps the test as simple as possible.

Add Action[Bearbeiten]

You can drop action definitions from the test suite tree, use the add action definition button from the tool bar or use the context menu. New action definitions will be added to the end of the list.

Remove Action[Bearbeiten]

You can remove selected action definitions from the list with the remove button of the tool bar or using the context menu.

Move Action Up/Down[Bearbeiten]

Selected action definitions can be reorganized in the execution order. You can move them up / down in the list via context menu or tool bar buttons

Set Input Parameter[Bearbeiten]

With a left click on an input pin element, an editor is opened. You can specify fix values in the editor or assign the pin with an environment variable. The variable can be specified with $(NameOfEnvironmentVariable). During execution the pin will get the current value of the assigned variable.

Specify Assertions for Output Values[Bearbeiten]

With a left click on an output pin element, an editor is opened. You can assign the pin with an environment variable. The variable can be specified with $(NameOfEnvironmentVariable). During execution the value written to that output pin will be stored in the assigned variable. You can specify fix assertion values for verifications. The assertions can check for equal, greater and lower.

Connect Action Values using Environment Variables[Bearbeiten]

If you specify an environment variable on an output, the value written to the output can be used by following steps as an input.

Read/Write from/to Pins of Keyword Action[Bearbeiten]

You can pass arguments given to the keyword tests by pins to the containing action definitions. If you edit an action definition input pin and specify @(KeywordTestInputPinName) the pin will get the value from the assigned pin during execution. On output side you can assign an output pin and the value from the action definition output will be written to the keyword test output pin.

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