GuiBrowser Recorder/en

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The GUI-Recorder records interactions with an application as a sequence of action steps. Depending on the underlying UI-technology, the available functionality may vary slightly; however, the general look and feel is the same for all technologies.


Start the recorder by selecting one of the connections and click on the Record button. For most technologies, a new separate recording window is opened - some technologies will record right in the application window. Recorded actions are represented as action steps in the "Recorded Sequence", which is a regular editor window. Therefore, it is possible to edit the recording immediately or to delete false-recorded actions.


Every click or text entry records an action which is immediately replayed. Edit the parameters and or delete bad actions in the recorded sequence editor. In addition, any other action (such as assertions) can be added via drag&drop from a separate action-tree, via the popup menu or via the CTRL-n shortcut. When finished, save the sequence as a new action step in your suite.

More info about recording with Android/iOS-Devices is found in (Android resp. iOS).

Detailinformation on particular technologies

Recorder for Android- and iOS-Devices (Mobile Devices)

Recorder for VNC- and local screen connections

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