Collection API Functions: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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''aCollection'' '''splitBy:''' ''anElement''
''aCollection'' '''splitBy:''' ''anElement''

''aCollection''.'''splitBy'''( ''anElement'' ) [JS]
''aCollection''.'''splitBy'''( ''anElement'' ) [JS]

Version vom 1. Oktober 2021, 05:06 Uhr

This document lists most useful (and most often needed) functions. Be aware, that there are many more to be found in either the class references or via the builtin class browser.

Reference: Collection

Back to Useful API Functions

Point right.png Notice: except when written otherwise, all indices are 1-based. Valid indices range from 1 to the collection's size.
Also notice: String is a subclass of Collection, which means that most of the functions listed below can also be applied to strings.



Returns the number of elements in the collection (i.e. its length).

aCollection size
aCollection.size() [JS]


 'hello world' size
 => 11

 #(1 2 3) size
 => 3

Returns the element at an index. Depending on the type of collection, this will be a numeric index (Array, OrderedCollection) or a general access key (Dictionary, OrderedDictionary).

aCollection at: index
aCollection[ índex ] [JS]


 'hello world' at:2
 => $e

 #(90 4 50 20 99) asSortedCollection at:2
 => 20

Copying by Numeric Index[Bearbeiten]

These functions are applicable to collections with a numeric index (i.e. Array, OrderedCollection, ByteArray, String, SortedCollection, FloatArray, DoubleArray, etc.).


Copies elements from a start index to an end index.

aCollection copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex
aCollection.copyFrom_to( startIndex, endIndex ) [JS]


 'hello world' copyFrom:1 to:5. 
 => 'hello'

 #(10 20 30 40 50 60 70) copyFrom:1 to:5. 
 => #(10 20 30 40 50)

 (10 to: 100 by: 10) copyFrom:1 to:3. 
 => #(10 20 30)

Copies a number of elements starting at the given index.

aCollection copyFrom: startIndex count: numChars
aCollection.copyFrom_count( startIndex, numChars ) [JS]

Example: see example in String


Copies from the given index to the end.

aCollection copyFrom:' startIndex
aCollection.copyFrom( startIndex ) [JS]

Example: see example in String


Copies from the start to the given index.

aCollection copyTo: endIndex
aCollection.copyTo( endIndex ) [JS]

Example: see example in String


Copies the last count characters.

aCollection copyLast: count
aCollection.copyLast( count ) [JS]

Example: see example in String


Copies except for the first count characters.

aCollection copyButFirst: count
aCollection.copyButFirst( count ) [JS]

Example: see example in String


Copies except for the last count characters.

aCollection copyButLast: count
aCollection.copyButLast( count ) [JS]

Example: see example in String


, (comma)[Bearbeiten]
collection1 , collection2


 #[10 20 30 40] , #[50 60 70 80]
 => #[10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80]



Splits a collection into pieces, given a splitting element.

aCollection splitBy: anElement
aCollection.splitBy( anElement ) [JS]


 #(10 11 12 0 20 22 24 0 1 2 3 0 50) splitBy: 0
 => #( #(10 11 12)  #(20 22 24) #(1 2 3) #(50) ).  <- this is an array of arrays

Splits a collection into pieces, given a splitter. The splitter may be a single element, a collection of elements or a block, which returns true to split. This is a more general version of the above "splitBy:", for complex splits.

aCollection splitOn: element

aCollection splitOn: splitCollection

aCollection splitOn: [ :el | <condition-expression on el> ]
aCollection.splitOn( element ) [JS]

aCollection.splitOn( splitCollection ) [JS]

aCollection.splitOn( (el) => <condition-expression on el> ) [JS]



Checks if a collection starts with the same elements as another collection.

aCollection startsWith: prefixCollection

aCollection.startsWith( prefixCollection ) [JS]



Checks if a collection ends with the same elements as another collection.

aCollection endsWith: suffixCollection
aCollection.endsWith( suffixCollection ) [JS]


indexOf: / lastIndexOf:[Bearbeiten]

Returns the first/last index of an element. Returns 0 if not found.

aCollection indexOf: element

aCollection lastIndexOf: element

aCollection.indexOf( element ) [JS]

aCollection.lastIndexOf( element ) [JS]


 'HELLO' indexOf: $L
 => 3

 'HELLO' indexOf: $x
 => 0

 'HELLO' lastIndexOf: $L
 => 4
indexOf:startingAt: / lastIndexOf:startingAt:[Bearbeiten]

Returns the next/previous index of an element given a search start index . Returns 0 if not found.

aCollection indexOf: element startingAt: startIndex

aCollection lastIndexOf: element startingAt: startIndex

aCollection.indexOf_startingAt( element, startIndex ) [JS]

aCollection.lastIndexOf_startingAt( element, startIndex ) [JS]


 'HELLO WORLD' indexOf: $O startingAt: 6
 => 8

 'HELLO WORLD' indexOf: $x startingAt: 6
 => 0

 'HELLO WORLD' indexOf: $L startingAt: 6
 => 0

 'HELLO WORLD' lastIndexOf: $O startingAt: 7
 => 5
indexOfAny:[startingAt:] / lastIndexOfAny:[startingAt:][Bearbeiten]

Similar to the above, but searches for any element in the given argument collection. This may be a string (of characters) or an array or any other collection of characters. Returns 0 if not found.

aCollection indexOfAny: aCollectionOfElements [ startingAt: startIndex ]

aCollection lastIndexOfAny: aCollectionOfElements [ startingAt: startIndex ]

aCollection.indexOfAny( aCollectionOfElements ) [JS]

aCollection.indexOfAny_startingAt( aCollectionOfElements, startIndex ) [JS]

aCollection.lastIndexOfAny( aCollectionOfElements ) [JS]

aCollection.lastIndexOfAny_startingAt( aCollectionOfElements, startIndex ) [JS]




Returns a byte array containing the elements which must be integers in the ISO8859 range 0x00 .. 0xFF.

aCollection asByteArray

aCollection.asByteArray() [JS]



Returns a sorted copy of the collection.

hello world sorted
 => ' dehllloorw'
#(10 2 99 17 -5 100) sorted
 => #(-5 2 10 17 99 100)
#('Paul' 'paula'  'Thomas' 'James'  'Emma') sorted
 => #('Emma' 'James' 'Paul' 'Thomas' 'paula')
#('Paul' 'paula'  'Thomas' 'James'  'Emma') sorted:[:a :b | a > b]
 => #('paula' 'Thomas' 'Paul' 'James' 'Emma')
#('Paul' 'paula'  'Thomas' 'James'  'Emma') sorted:[:a :b | a caselessBefore: b]
 => #('Emma' 'James' 'Paul' 'paula' 'Thomas')

Sorts the collection in place.

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