Attachment Element/en

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An attachment allows managing a file or URL reference together with a test suite. The attachment's file contents can either be packed and bundled into the test suite (which is technically a ZIP file) or alternatively fetched dynamically (during test execution) from an external web source. The later are called URL Attachments. File attachments are important, if test data sets or configuration files have to be managed together with the test suite. They can also contain files which are meant for other users like documentation or specifications and explanations concerning test runs. All attachment will be unpacked in a separate "attachments" folder under a project-specific directory when the test suite is loaded.

Therefore, an attachment's filename should usually consist of the base-filename only (i.e. do not use a full absolute path). The attachment's behavior is configurable to either provide the filename or its contents at its output pin. The default setting is to generate a filename. Thus, to get the full path of an attachment, make sure that the output representation is set to "pathName" and connect the attachment step's output to whichever step needs the path. Notice that all of the attachments filenames must be distinct. When copy-pasting or dragging attachments into the tree, expecco may silently change the filename, if another attachment already exists by that filename. Also notice, that the underlying filename may be different from its name shown in the tree.

In most situations, you will not need the file's actual path, but its contents instead. Choose an appropriate output representation from the steps context menu. Typically, this will be one of "string", "utf8 string" or "binary". See the list below for details.

Attachments can be also added to the project tree via drag and drop of any file into the expecco tree area. They can be modified in the built-in attachment editor or by an external tool (Excel, Notepad etc.).

Use of Absolute Filenames[Bearbeiten]

If an absolute path is given as filename, the underlying file is assumed to be generated by some other program (possibly on the fly, during execution) or already present. These files are considered "extern to expecco", and are not saved with or inside the ".etf" test suite file. Use this, to access configuration data which is supposed to be already installed on the test host, or which is created dynamically, for example due to the execution of a supporting external program.

Because absolute pathnames are considered harmful (you may forget to save/restore/install them, or two simultaneously running tests may corrupt each other's data) the project tree's error-search function includes a "Search-for-absolute Attachments" check box, to quickly locate such attachments.

URL Attachments[Bearbeiten]

URL attachments are fetched dynamically during execution time via an HTTP-Get request from the specified URL (other access methods may be added in future versions). A runtime error will be raised, if that file is no longer accessible. URL attachments are therefore somewhat dangerous: your test depends on another external resource. Therefore, it is recommended to fetch the URL once during test-development time, and to add it as a regular attachment to the test suite.

Data Representation[Bearbeiten]

When an attachment is dropped into an activity diagram, an attachment step is created with a single output pin. When that step is executed (either via a trigger input or by marking it as autostart), the underlying file information is provided at the output pin. Depending on what further processing is to be done to that file data, different data values may be desired. For this, the attachment step's context menu in the diagram editor offers various choices for how the attachment's file should be presented at the steps output pin:

PathName as String
The pathname of the file is provided at the output. To get to the contents, additional processing steps (File Contents, CSV decoding, Filestream reading) are usually required. However, if the file is to be passed to an external program or batch script, often the pathname is sufficient as command line argument. Notice that unless an absolute path is given, the path refers to a temporary file which is created when the test suite is loaded, and which will be removed when either another suite is loaded, or the expecco application is terminated.
PathName as Filename Object
Same as above, but an instance of Filename (see primary data types) is generated.
the file is read into one (possibly big) single-byte string. No decoding is performed. This representation may not be appropriate for UTF-8 encoded files, if your intent is to process the contents. However, it is most useful, if the contents is to be passed on to other processing steps, passed to external programs, or to be send out via a socket.
UTF8 String
the data is read as a single string, and interpreted as an UTF-8 encoded string. The output my be a single-byte or a multi-byte string, depending on the presence of characters with a codepoint > 255.
the file is read into a collection of single-byte string lines. No decoding is performed.
the file is read line-wise, and each line is send to the output pin as a separate datum. This will trigger follow-up actions once for every line in the original document.
the file is read into a single ByteArray collection. Use this for binary data.
Bitmap Image
the file is assumed to contain a bitmap image in one of the supported formats (PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and many others).

The following representations are only possible with URL attachments. They automatically decode the fetched document into the expecco internal Unicode format, from a number of common document encodings (for example, ISO 8859-x, UTF-8, ASCII, and many other).

DecodedString (URL Attachment only)
the URL is fetched as a single string, which is converted as specified by the encoding answer (from the HTTP request). The output my be a single-byte (for ASCII or ISO 8859-1 encodings) or a multi-byte string (for most other encodings, especially for UTF-8). Use this if follow-up actions are to process this data.
Decoded StringCollection
Same as StringCollection, but each line is decoded from an encoding as returned by the HTTP request.
Decoded Linewise
Same as Linewise, but each line is decoded from an encoding as returned by the HTTP request.

Notice, that only URL attachment steps provide an automatic determination of the document's encoding (because it gets this information with the HTTP response). For file documents and very special unsupported encodings, you should set the representation to "binary" and connect the output pin to an explicit conversion action. You may find an appropriate decoder block in the standard library, or write your own as an elementary block.

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